Sunday, December 21, 2008

The End of Best Laid Plans

Remember that adjustor? Well by Friday the 12th, he had still not showed up at the repair shop, so the parts had been ordered but no work could be done. Therefore Debbie and Mike continued on to Colorado while Laura and the kids came back to Texas on Saturday and waited for the car to be repaired.

I know she was ready to get home and see her husband and continue to prepare for Christmas but we really made the best of difficult circumstances. We watched fun Christmas movies together, made the weekly trip to Wal*mart together with 3 kids 5 and under, made sugar cookies with all 4 kids, and had plenty of laughs together. We have both been wanting time together with our kids and the Lord made a way to provide it to us. It just wasn't in the pretty package we would have planned. It is funny how because of the unusual change of plans, we were blessed with more time together. Now I did not get my Christmas cards done or a lot of my Christmas shopping that still needs completing. Those things can take a back seat to time with my sister and her 2 babies.

But now it was Thursday and the car was ready. Jake, Laura's husband, was flying in to meet her so they could make the long drive together. But don't get too haisty, the story doesn't end yet. It couldn't be that simple.

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