Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Moving on to spring...

Our trip to Houston this spring was so fun. Mason and his Destination Imagination team I posted about earlier were honored at the regional competition to be awarded second place in their category. This meant these hard working kids were able to compete at the state level competition in Houston. The kids had chosen to compete in the Video Lit Hits competition. They had choose a piece of literature and create a "music video". They picked the music from a song off of the Lion King soundtrack and wrote new lyrics to tell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The kids had to design and build their own set and only have minimal adult direction. When it came time for the performance, the kids had 6 minutes to put up their set, start their music and complete the performance. They did great under all that pressure. They did not place in the state competition but they did a wonderful job! I was so proud of this great group of kids.
Mason played Jack's father in the performance. We also had a giant, Jack, and 3 dancing & singing magic beans. One of his buddies was the "technical producer". It sure was impressive when you realize this was all done by seven 8-9 year old kids. I love how silly they are all being in this picture.

1 comment:

Jodee said...

What a fun trip to Houston! Cute picture!
