Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I think I've been had...

Last night Andrew wanted to try the spicy hot Cheetos. He decided they were a bit too hot for him so he said to me, "I think I should eat an Oreo to make sure I didn't burn my taste bud". That sly little fox! Mason looked at me and shook his head. I think he's on to Andrew's M.O.

Check out TINY TOT TUESDAY to hear more of what the little ones are saying.


Jennifer said...

He is just too funny!!

Jodee said...

What a hoot! He is such a little character!

I should have joined you today. Carson asked me on the way home from school if I was the boss of anyone besides Dad! I was cracking up!

Jodee said...

I am back to tell you that I am joining the Tiny Talk Tuesday party next week. I don't want to forget that conversation! I am the boss!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Excellent solution! LOL!

Happy TTT!
